28 November 2015

6 Ways to Time Travel

6 Ways to Time Travel

Time travel is something that has fascinated and intrigued scientists, physicists and many people in the world. Time travel had been discarded as merely science fiction in books and sci-fi movies on the recent but now scientists and physicists all over the world have developed many theories that they claim will allow time travel. In this post I look at some of them and provide you with their details, merits and demerits. On the spotlight are circulating light beams and the Verdrehung Fan which could possibly be the time machines of the future. So click on read more to find out more about these theories.

1. Travel faster than the speed of light, rip through space-time 

  • German physicist Albert Einstein in his famous theory of relativity said that space and time were the same thing.
  • Which means, you rip through space, you rip through time.
  • So how do you rip through space, travel faster than light
  • There is a speed limit of 299,792 kilometre per second for anything that travels through space, light obeys this and travels exactly at 299,792 kilometre per second.
  • Any faster than that and you warp space-time around you eventually ripping it off and enabling you to travel through space-time.
  • And in theory, enabling you to go back or forward through time.
  • There are only two things preventing us from doing this :-
          1) we have yet to discover a power source which will help us build an engine which has the power to propel anything at that speed and
          2) we have not yet discovered any material that could withstand such a journey.
  • My personal thoughts are that we could build an engine which runs on antimatter as a power source and make some sort of shield - :( basically I have no idea what kind of shield.

                   Faster than Light Time Control and Time Travel         

                   Faster than Light Time Control and Time Travel

2. Enter the black hole, go through a wormhole

  • Einstein's theory of general relativity says that time passes more slowly for objects under the influence of gravity compared to objects that are far away from gravitational fields.
  • This is where the black hole' s come in. They have a gravity is so intense that they suck in everything, even light and would be time travellers.
  • They could lead to wormholes, which act as shortcuts through space-time :()
  • Making you capable of time travel, the only problem stopping us is that there is no object discovered as of yet which can survive the spaghetttification effect of black holes.
  • However, I think that if we are able to travel faster than light ( much faster ) we could escape its gravitational pull, but this would make going through black holes for time travel pointless because then we could literally rip through space-time to travel through time, but look at the bright side :) black holes may be gateways to other universes and worlds.

                Wormhole Time Control and Time Travel
                Wormhole Time Control and Time Travel

3. The cosmic string time travel service

  • Thinner than an atom ( proton possibly ) cosmic strings are considered to be one dimensional string -like objects that line the universe and are billions of light-years in length ( possibly infinitely long).
  • Scientists believe that due to having extremely high density even though they're extremely thin, cosmic strings would have an humongous amount of mass and thus, a massive gravitational pull.
  • Therefore in theory, objects attached to these strings like a cable car could travel at impossible ( even faster than light ) speeds, while the huge gravity could warp or bend space-time enough to allow time travel.
  • The only problem is that we are not yet quite sure whether these strings exist. Hopefully they do :)

                Cosmic String Time Control and Time Travel

                Cosmic String Time Control and Time Travel          

4. Frank Tipler's time machine

  • Frank Tipler, an American astronomer suggests that we should create a dense, extremely strong tube of matter, billions of kilometres in length in space and set it spinning so fast that it results in space-time to bend around it.
  • Time Travelers would leave Earth in a spaceship and go around the cylindrical tube and how far back they would travel in time will depend upon the number of rounds they make around the cylinder.
  • The only downside is that you would only be able to go back to the past using this method, no future travelling :(

                Tipler Cylinder Time Control and Time Travel 

                Tipler Cylinder Time Control and Time Travel

5. Travel close to the speed limit of light ( preferably at 99.9% the speed of light )

  • If you travel near or at the speed of light, you could be pesudo- time travelers and could go to the future.
  • This is because for objects travelling at or near the speed of light time passes more slowly compared to others.
  • For example if you are travelling in a train travelling at 99.9% the speed of light and circle around the Earth for seven days, you will be surprised to see that after you step out of the train after seven days, hundred years has passed. The problem is you wouldn't be able to go back to the past :( which is a huge problem.

                 Near-Lightspeed Time Control and Time Travel

                 Near-Lightspeed Time Control and Time Travel

6. Circulating light beams and the Verdrehung Fan (TM)

  • These may be the most realistic and probably the most possible way to time travel.
  • The concept involves trapping light in a photonic crystal or using an array of perfect mirrors in such a way that they force light to travel and circulate in a spiral manner, like the shape of a spring in the case of circulating light beams, which causes space-time inside the light beam to twist, causing a gravitational force so strong that it allows time travel both to the past, present and future by looping time in the light trap.
  • The concept can be simplified using the example of a spoon stirring a pot. The light is the spoon rotating around the inner rim of the pot. The space is the liquid being swirled by the spoon. As the space twists, it will coil the normally linear passage of time with it, spiraling the past, present, and future together into one continuous loop. It is this twisting of space and time that will make time travel possible.

                      Circulating Light Beam Time Control and Time Travel

                      Circulating Light Beam Time Control and Time Travel

  • In the case of the Verdrehung Fan (TM), invented by MarshalI Barnes, time and space is distorted by the STDTDS ( Space-time dilator transmitter system, a system which Dr Marshall himself invented which distorts space using gravity. )
  • This works on the principle that objects inside the SPDTDS field experience Time at a different rate than objects outside the SPDTDS field.
  • For more information on the STDTS field and circulating light beams you can visit the website http://thegreattimemachinerace.weebly.com
  • Although, the circulating light beams are not being actively developed because of the man behind the idea, Dr Ronald Mallet, not getting enough funds to develop a working prototype, the Verdrehung Fan is being actively worked on by Marshall Barnes and has already cleared the first requirement for becoming a time machine.
  • The Verdrehung Fan is a interesting and fascinating invention that may become reality very soon and allow us to travel through time.

Sources : Anderson Institute ( especially the images ), the book how, what, where and the net.


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